New work for the Swiss Music Night in Taiwan - live recording online

13 March 2024
Oliver Waespi was commissioned to compose a new work for recorder, 2 violins and violoncello for the 10th Swiss Music Night in Taiwan. Maurice Steger, Sebastian Bohren, Jimmy Hsueh and Pi-Chin Chien are going to perform the new work on 15 October 2023 at the Weiwuying Recital Hall and on 16 October 2023 at the National Concert Hall in Taipei.

The new piece will be performed alongside works by Chien-Hui Hung, Fabian Müller, Paul Juon, Ernest Bloch, Georg PhilipTelemann and Giuseppe Tartini. This concert will be the 10th anniversary Jubilee Concert of the Swiss Music Nights in Taiwan, organized under the artistic direction of the renowned swiss composer Fabian Müller and the distinguished Swiss-Taiwanese cellist Pi-Chin Chien.

Further information can be found here.

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