Sunrise with Sea Monsters in Lucerne

26 November 2023
The new commission "Sunrise with Sea Monsters" by Oliver Waespi was premiered at the Swiss National Brass Band Championships at the KKL Lucerne on 26 November 2023 by former European Champion Brass Band Bürgermusik Luzern under the baton of Michael Bach. It was commissioned to be premiered as an own choice work in the Championship section.

Based on the homonymous painting by the english painter J.W.D. Turner (1775 - 1851), the piece explores Turner's late period in which the work with light, color and abstract forms became more important than the content depicted. The ambiguity and suggestive power of Turner's painting opens up a wide musical potential. The work is structured in four parts: "Sunrise", "Charybdis", "Sirens" and "... keep your monster on a leash", which is some sort of extended rhythmical extravaganza in which the preceding elements of the music coalesce into an affirmation of exuberance and energy.

More information about the event and tickets is availabe here .
William Turner: Sunrise with Sea Monsters
Source: Wikipedia


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