Scorpius - World Premiere

04 February 2023
World Premiere of "Scorpius", Symphony for Winds, by Oliver Waespi, with the Symphonic Wind Orchestra Concordia de Fribourg under the baton of Jean-Claude Kolly, at the l'Equilibre theatre in Fribourg (CH)

On February 4 2023 at 8 pm and February 5 2023 at 4 pm, Oliver Waespi's most recent work for symphonic wind orchestra, "Scorpius", will be premiered by the Symphonic Wind Orchestra Concordia de Fribourg under the baton of Jean-Claude Kolly at the l'Equilibre theatre in Fribourg (CH). Further works include "Mangâroà" by Marc Jeanbourquin and "Galactic Empires" by David R. Gillingham.

"Scorpius" was commissioned by the Concordia de Fribourg spans 45 minutes and is structured in 4 movements: I. U Scorpii II. Antares III. Butterfly Cluster IV. Sargas.

Further information is available here
Concordia de Fribourg with Jean-Claude Kolly, conductor, and Oliver Waespi, composer
Photo by Charly Rappo


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